July 3, 2022
What if Christ is in All Of Us Rev. Patricia Wagner Scripture: Galatians 3: 26-29 Its good to sing a Christmas hymn in July halfway between Christmases We may be fretting about the price of everything and the downturn in the stock market, but Christmas brings stories of a poor savior born in a stable, and Bob Cratchits’ family rejoicing in each other and their modest feast, and the Grinch realizing what matters. What matters, we all realize at Christmas is the most important truth that we will ever know: God poured Godself into one like us, and we understand ourselves and God and the universe and who we can be, through him. Just as in Jesus’ time and in his life, there is adversity and discouragement and doubt and death, But there is a light that has been made known to us that nothing can erase. That the light that was in the beginning with God came into the world in Jesus, and remains in the world, in us, in Christ. That’s the message at Christmas, then why is it so hard to believe in July? Just like how Christmas decorations seem quaint and faintly ridiculous when left up too long, that profound optimism, that sense of the profound goodness of creation can feel like a fairytale, or worse a mocking those who suffer in the present. We put up the title of our summer series: “What if everything is going somewhere good,” on the sign outside. The idea, as you know is to encourage an openness to a reality beyond us, and around us, and in us, even in devastating times that is leading us toward the good. But on a week with seismic shifts for environmental regulation, abortion, rights of privacy, church and state rules, shooting death of police officers and the migrants dying in the heat and the bombing of Odessa, a woman called, left me a personal, blistering voice message that she was so stunned by the words on our sign, that she had to pull her car over to get her breath, So angry was she at our obvious obliviousness to climate change among other things, how dare we say “ everything is going somewhere good.”? when everything is going to hell. She had even gone back, taken a picture of the sign, and posted it to Twitter, to shared outrage. I could hear the tremendous pain, and it made me terribly sad. Know that I am very sad whenever I cause you pain, by my action or inaction. I called her back and I thanked her for telling me, told her I was sorry for the hurt I’d caused her, and tried to explain our intention, to find a greater hope and courage it wasn’t something she could hear, I let her know I would change the sign since grief and anger was not what I had hoped to instill. It’s not just this year that optimism is hard to hear; humans, including Americans have always had reason to despair. In the heat of the American war in Vietnam and the brutal Civil Rights struggle with Dr. Martin Luther King, jr told us that the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice. Maybe a bit overly hopeful, some thought then, some may think now. There is a utopian ideal in Judeo-Christianity Wolves shall lie down with the lambs & They shall study war no more on all my holy mountain & Blessed are those who meek for they shall inherit the earth. and our lesson today: Paul’s letter to the Galatians that the old law which codified our ranks is obsolete there is no language or culture or status or gender, there is neither Greek nor Jew slave nor free male or female but all are one in Christ Jesus. All these visions are of a deeper , broader, cosmic order we see only now through a glass darkly Divine love has poured out into creation from the beginning and particularly in Jesus, divine love, that word made flesh, who did not abide by these distinctions, who cared for men and women gentile and Jew and every status. because, beyond his encounter with the Syrophenecian woman those distinctions have no meaning to him not reality not really, not in Jesus Everything that is, as Richard Rohr says, everything that is visible to us is the divine outpouring of God’s own self God’s being which is love: everything, including you and I, The Christ, in the beginning with God, was poured out into the form of Jesus who becomes the light of the world, who teaches us that we are the light of the world It’s a struggle for us to accept that our life, is divine light and love outpoured Jesus saw it in us, even Paul saw it in us. male female gentile jew bound, free there is not religion or ethnicity or nationality or gender that can bypass or surpass this truth, this reality. The divine love that made us claims all of us, We are in Christ. and Christ is in us, all. . including that woman who called me so overwhelmed, She is right, to feel so, that is divine hurt in her, for we have forgotten the holiness of the earth assuming we have the some god-given right to squander, to destroy people and the earth if it meets our purpose. So, not comprehending that the planet is in essence, love outpoured, that humanity and creatures of the earth are outpoured is the great sin – falsely separating ourselves from the one who has poured out Godself into all of us. So, there is work to do, our work as Christ followers, of building hope, and faith, and love, proclaiming , practicing that the earth is love made visible and that this radiant, expansive glorious reality of divine love That Christ is within us and around us and that the Creator of all that is is with us, binding us together, sharing our joys and our sorrows guiding us toward a better way and all that is good news at Christmas and in July and every season. Amen
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