Julian of Norwich and Us
Revelations of Divine Love Maple Grove UMC October 10, 2021 Rev. Patricia Wagner Quotes (in italics) are from "Meditations with Julian of Norwich" a translation of her writings by Brendan Doyle. Bear & Company Publishers, 1982. We do not know her true name, only the name of the church in which she would come to live, St. Julian's Roman Catholic Church, in Norwich, England. She was born in 1342, and the Black, or Bubonic Plague, reached England in 1349, when she was 7. The disease was airborne, and was carried by rats and fleas, people and clothing. It traveled the world road, by river or by ship, and caused inflammation and boils and terrible pain. It killed all the street sweepers in London, 2 of every three clergy and a great many children. Half the population of England died, and at least 1/3 of Europe and much of the world. There was no world health organization to warn or guide, there were no vaccines or treatments other than comfort and quarantine. The plague would come and go for more than would last her whole lifetime, into the next century. Julian became sick with what illness we do not know, and hovered near death, receiving last rites. During this time, she received sixteen revelations from God. Julian - When I was only thirty and a half year old I had a sickness unto death and it pained me to think of dying not because I had any special plans for my life, nor fear of any pain In so short a time, I had experienced so little of life. I thought my life as nothing and no longer giving praise to the Good Lord but I longed to live to love God better and longer here, so I might know and love God more when in the joy of heaven ----------------- Then God showed me in my palm a little thing round as a ball, about the size of a hazelnut I asked myself, What is this thing? And I was answered, "It is everything that is created" I wondered how it could survive since it seemed so little it could suddenly disintegrate into nothing. The Answer came: "It endures and ever will endure, because God loves it.' And so everything has being because of God's love. ------------------- Julian felt called to leave her world and was accepted as an anchoress, After a special service of holy communion, she was conducted to a small room built into the wall of the church with a window to the sanctuary, and one to the outside world. She lived there the rest of her life. There she wrote down the visions God had given her. And the book, Showings, and her second "Revelations of Divine Love" are the first known writings by a woman in the English language. Her words were simple, but stunning, for they turned around the church's teaching of an angry, wrathful God, who set the plague to punish a sinful world. ---------- The True Nature of God God is good and and the goodness that everything possesses is God -------- God feels great delight to be our Father and God feels great delight to be our Mother and God feels great delight to be our True Spouse and our soul, God's loved Wife Jesus feels great delight that he is our Brother and Jesus feels great delight that he is our Savior These are the five great joys of God The fullness of our joy is to behold God in everything The Mingling of Sorrow and Joy Julian recognized it is difficult to feel this joy. People would come to her window at the church to seek her counsel: Mothers and fathers who'd lost children, children who lost parents, What would we tell Mother Julian? What might she say as we share with her this mingling of heartache and hope in us. -------------- Julian - The mingling of both well-being and distress in us is so astonishing that we can hardly tell which state we or our neighbor are in. We stand in this mingling our whole life. We seek rest where there is no rest and therefore are uneasy. not knowing that God is our True Rest Sometimes, we experience such darkness that we lose all our energy But our intent in life is to continue to live in God and faithfully trust that we will be shown compassion and grace. God did not say: "You will not be tempested. You will not labor hard. You will not be troubled." But God did say: "You will not be overcome." There is no Separation between Us and God Julian recognized how we fail, she saw it clearly in herself and in the situations of those who came to her. But God showed her we are in her words, "oned" with God, and have been so since the beginning of creation and while we may may be inclined to division or self-hate, nothing we do or think or say can separate us now, or ever, from divine love ----------------- Julian Often, our trust is not full. We are not certain that God hears us because we consider ourselves worthless and as nothing. This is ridiculous and the cause of our weakness I have felt this way myself. But God has chosen the soul of humanity as his resting place. God never began to love us We have always been known and loved from the beginning. we are knit and oned with God. We are unlike God in our sinful ways. But our prayer is a witness to the fact that we want what God wants. and this strengthens our conscience and empowers us with grace. Prayer ones our soul to God When we think that our prayers have not been answered we should not become depressed over it. I am certain that God is telling us that we must wait for a better time more grace, or that a better gift will be given us. God kindles our soul and brings it to life and makes it grow in grace and capacity. All Shall Be Well I met Julian just when I turned 30, in this translation we are using today by Brendan Doyle, and carried it around in my backpack for 10 years. When I was so wounded by others, when the world got so grim, when I wasn't sure what or how to believe, I went to this book and Julian met me at the window of her cell and carried me through. As they did all those who came to her window and have come to hear her. There is no better saint for the times of pandemic than she, no one to counter the world weariness, no one more available to open our eyes and say, be not afraid. ------------ "Love is his meaning" Julian We see so much evil around us so much harm done that we think it impossible that there is any good in this world We look at this in sorrow and mourn so that we cannot see God as we should. My good Lord answered all my questions and doubts by saying, full of energy: "I can make all things well I know how to make all things well I desire to make all things well, I will make all things well, and you will see with your own eyes that every kind of thing will be well. " Afterwards, it was said to me: "Do you wish to see clearly your Lord's meaning in these Showings? See it well. Love was your Lord's meaning. Who showed it to you? Love. What did you see? Love. Why was it shown? For Love." And on the last day we will clearly see in God the secret thoughts that are now hidden from us. Then none of us will be stirred to say: " Lord, if we had known these things then all would have been well." Instead we will all say with one voice. "Lord, may you be blessed! For it is well." Amen.
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