Volunteers Needed For These EMIM Serving Teams
As we return to gathering in person, we are restarting some of the Every Member in Ministry service teams. We hope you will find a team you enjoy serving on.
Communion Steward
This team prepares the elements for the first Sunday of the month communion. On communion Sunday they set the table and clean up afterwards.
Nursery Helpers
This team helps our nursery staff, Alexa, care for our little ones from birth through age 4 during Sunday worship (9:45-11:15 AM). Nursery Helpers need to be age 13 or older to serve. Background screenings and 6 months involvement at Maple Grove are required for adult volunteers who serve with our children and youth.
Summer Sundays on the Patio
As we start returning to Maple Grove in person on Sunday mornings, we'd like to consider offering beverages on the patio after the 10 a.m. service. We are looking for volunteers to make and serve the hot coffee and cold lemonade. You won't need to bring anything, we'll have all the supplies. Interested? Have questions? Contact Nancy Manecke.
Vacation Bible School Helpers
This team will help with a range of tasks from greeting, registering, storytelling, leading games or service projects, preparing snacks or sharing music for our fun family gatherings. This year, VBS is from 5:30-7:00 PM on Sunday, July 11, 18 and 25. Volunteers can help one, two or all three Sundays.
Please contact Cathy or complete the form below if you are interested in volunteering on any of these teams.
Communion Steward
This team prepares the elements for the first Sunday of the month communion. On communion Sunday they set the table and clean up afterwards.
Nursery Helpers
This team helps our nursery staff, Alexa, care for our little ones from birth through age 4 during Sunday worship (9:45-11:15 AM). Nursery Helpers need to be age 13 or older to serve. Background screenings and 6 months involvement at Maple Grove are required for adult volunteers who serve with our children and youth.
Summer Sundays on the Patio
As we start returning to Maple Grove in person on Sunday mornings, we'd like to consider offering beverages on the patio after the 10 a.m. service. We are looking for volunteers to make and serve the hot coffee and cold lemonade. You won't need to bring anything, we'll have all the supplies. Interested? Have questions? Contact Nancy Manecke.
Vacation Bible School Helpers
This team will help with a range of tasks from greeting, registering, storytelling, leading games or service projects, preparing snacks or sharing music for our fun family gatherings. This year, VBS is from 5:30-7:00 PM on Sunday, July 11, 18 and 25. Volunteers can help one, two or all three Sundays.
Please contact Cathy or complete the form below if you are interested in volunteering on any of these teams.